Film Poetry.
Open Up Close
Years from now
as you swing open your arms to greet a friend
lean in close to help an elder
shake the hand of a stranger in greeting
you will have forgotten the rain that washed you clean
the sting of quarantine
your present moment, but a dream
On the dance floor
up at the front with your friends
At the market
shoulder to shoulder with your neighbours
At church, the theatre, a workplace, the body
of a new lover - wherever you worship
you might in a moment flash back
to that period of lockdown
where you broke
new ground, looked around
attuned to the sound and found
your Self
Now stay there. Watch yourself
How are you? How are you? How
are you? Were you being?
Did your eyes expand from seeing systems crumble
the powers that be humbled
at the slipping of strings
through their fingers
releasing a fragrance
that lingers
Did you pick up the scent?
Did your nose wrinkle as illusions of control fell
Could you tell?
Or had you lost your sense of taste,
your sense of smell?
Now watch real close,
and draw your attention
for a moment
to your breath, your balance
Did it hold you as the plates trembled beneath your feet
reconstructing the lay of the land
Did your palms prickle with sweat
as the shift of power
fell gently
in your hands
In whose? Yes, you - flattener of the rising curve
all alone, staying home, calmer of your own
nerves, perceiver of what no longer serves
armed with stillness
and distance
like sands through the hourglass lost
in honour of the lives it cost, in that absurd reality
a landslide sacrifice of casualties, so you
could pass through and build
So don’t go
stay watching yourself
in the quiet of that room
the one where those uncomfortable questions bloomed
and deep down you knew
you were about to be broken
as the collective slumber
to a close